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Lt. Ronny
Ronny 2 gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2025-02-01
Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5

For his 2nd shooting we asked Ronny about his sexual fantasies and it turned out they are very much military related. He loved the uniform a lot and was very handsome during the photo shooting. It seemed to us that he...
(160 Photos)
Kay gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2025-01-20
Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5

Kay is best friends with Nathan, who brought him along and will do a duo with him.

"What's the story about the scar in your face" we asked him "accident from playing" he replied. That made us even more...
(200 Photos)
Sailor Boy
Graham gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2025-01-10
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

I met Graham at the Marina adoring a very nice yacht. He immediately asked if this is mine, but I was just adoring it as well. We went for a drink to find out if he wants to do photos being a Sailor Boy. Yes. He likes...
(97 Photos)
down to earth
Mason gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2024-12-19
Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4

Mason is a pretty much "down to earth" type of guy. To finance his studies he helps out in a restaurant at rush hours. Thats where I met him first. I didn't think he was gay or something, he was just a very nice and...
(140 Photos)
Colorful Paintings
Ricky Barnetta gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2024-12-03
Ricky Barnetta
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

Ricky Barnetta just finished school and started working as a chef in his father’s restaurant. His dad would really appreciate to see Ricky running the kitchen in the future. Ricky seems to be talented for it......
(140 Photos)
Your Waiter
Justin T gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2024-11-24
Justin T
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

Justin is an apprentice at a high class hotel. He has to do all the different jobs like being at the reception, doing the room service, or help in the kitchen. Right now he works as a waiter in the restaurant and he wanted...
(100 Photos)
Pretty long Snake!
Tomek 2 gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2024-11-15
Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4

So many people were amazed by Tomek! And as a lot of them asked for more after the last gallery we decided not to wait any longer.

So here he is again: TOMEK!!!

I think you all remeber him and...
(120 Photos)
Nasty School Boys
Davey W & Matt S gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2024-11-06
Davey Williams , Matt Steel
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

You can say that Davey and Matt know each other since they were born. Their families are neighbors and good friends as well. So Davey and Matt have always been playing together when whey were kids. As you can see they...
(120 Photos)
I'm not that innocent!
Eli gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2024-10-26
Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4

Eli seems to be a very innocent boy. He also looks very young although he celebrated his 19th birthday some months ago.
On the one hand Eli hates to look sop much younger because he always has to show his ID when he...
(140 Photos)
French Connection!
Freddy & Antoine gay Twink Porn Pictures
  Added: 2024-10-15
Antoine , Freddy
Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5

When Frederic first saw Antoine's pictures he immediately wanted to get to know this boy. He told us that he never had sex with a longhaired boy and that he would be quite interested in how it feels to touch it, to grab...
(180 Photos)
Carl gay Twink Porn Pictures
  140 Photos
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

Some days ago Alex came over with a boy he met at the disco last weekend. He wanted to have some photos for this site. Alex introduced him as Carl and whispered that he thinks he looks great. Alex wanted to appear on the...
(140 Photos)
Monastery Chastity
Maximilian 4 gay Twink Porn Pictures
  80 Photos
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

Maximilian often tries to draw attention by talking sexually explicit bla blah. Just for the fun of it we used to threaten him with "hey, if you don't behave we enroll you at the monastery".

He for sure...
(80 Photos)
African set
Nathan 2 gay Twink Porn Pictures
  140 Photos
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

Nathan got far more popular than we ever thought. So we invited him for another solo set. The scene setup was done by him and Harry. They wanted it to be Africa related, but basically they set it up with what they...
(140 Photos)
First Aid!
Aaron, Felix & Hector gay Twink Porn Pictures
  40 Photos
Aaron , Hector , Red Felix
Average Rating: 1.5 Average Rating: 1.5 Average Rating: 1.5 Average Rating: 1.5 Average Rating: 1.5

Remember that I told you that Aaron likes being outside at a hidden place with his lovers? Well, he called us again and told us about two of his friends who liked his pictures a lot. And they both wanted to do a photo...
(40 Photos)
The Hobbit
Frodo gay Twink Porn Pictures
  120 Photos
Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4 Average Rating: 4

After the start of the movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring when this boy decided to change his name to Frodo. And he really gets angry if somebody calls him by his real name. Of course we'll keep the...
(120 Photos)
Wild Boys
Freddy & Matt gay Twink Porn Pictures
  240 Photos
Freddy , Matt
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

The swimming pool seems to be the best place for Frederic for getting in contact with new boys! One day we went there to take some new pictures of him when Matt came in. Frederic liked Matt's open and friendly character...
(240 Photos)
Identical Twins
Pit & Pat Twins gay Twink Porn Pictures
  120 Photos
Pit & Pat Twins
Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5

Pit and Pat are typical twins. They do everything together. They are very much alike in what they do and think. Often they have the same ideas at the exact same time. They feel constantly happy and make fun all the time....
(120 Photos)
Legs Up!
Mike gay Twink Porn Pictures
  140 Photos
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

Mike started playing soccer at the age of six. His father plays soccer as well and he often took his son to the sports ground. Of course Mike wanted to do the same as his father. Now he plays in the local team and is maybe...
(140 Photos)
Nino 4 gay Twink Porn Pictures
  131 Photos
Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5 Average Rating: 4.5

Nino is a sportive guy and likes all kinds of team sports. Sometimes he checks if his tool is bigger than the others. It usual is and once in a while this offers some opportunities to come closer together...
(131 Photos)
Silas 3 gay Twink Porn Pictures
  147 Photos
Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5 Average Rating: 5

After some activity Silas is taking a shower at the local sports center. First he doesn't recognize Austin looking over the stalls while he gives his wee-wee quite special attention...
(147 Photos)

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